Sustainable Innovation Camp

Boost your sustainability experience by tackling a real-world problem and get certified for your solution.

About the event

Sustainable Innovation Camp consists of workshops on how sustainability is shaping business followed by a 3 to 5 days case-competition in the scope of sustainable innovation.

During a camp, the participants work in teams and tackle real-world problems that require innovative and sustainable solutions.

Each camp features one or more case studies provided by companies or individuals, and the teams are tasked with developing strategies that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The case studies cover a range of topics, such as renewable energy, waste management, sustainable agriculture, water conservation and more.

Our mission

We want to introduce sustainability priciples to students and young professionals while equipping them with methodological problem-solving skills that can be used in different fields of work.

List of competences that a Sustainable Innovation Camp provides


Sustainary is a non-profit organization based in Copenhagen, Denmark, dedicated to fostering sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship. By organizing a range of events, initiatives, and programs, Sustainary connects local talent with opportunities to collaborate on innovative solutions that address global sustainability challenges.

CBS Climate Club is a student-led organization based at Copenhagen Business School, dedicated to promoting awareness and action on climate change. By organizing events, workshops, and networking opportunities, CBS Climate Club brings together students, professionals, and thought leaders to discuss and develop innovative solutions to pressing environmental issues.

Become a leader of sustainable change

We look forward to seeing you at the next camp! Join a sustainable innovation camp and get certified for tackling a real-world problem with your solution.


Sustainable Innovation Camp is an event organized by Sustainary, a Copenhagen-based non-profit organization whose mission is to help international talent thrive in Denmark.

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Nørrebrogade 20, 1. sal, c/o Greencubator, 2200 Copanhagen